And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. - Colossians 3:23-24 -


I began my carpentry journey over 24 years ago

After 5 years building fences and decks, I progressed to interior trim, then to high-end cabinet installation and specialty shop work. In 2010, I opened 323 Woodwork. My foundational knowledge has come from a few talented men who took the time to teach me their trade. Because of this, I am passionate about teaching other young men what I have learned, and developing in them a love for the trades.

There are three components to beautiful cabinetry

1. A well planned design
2. The construction and finishing of the pieces
3. A careful installation

The third component is our focus. We install all cabinetry such as kitchens and bathrooms, as well as wall paneling, custom trim, and other specialty millwork. After all of the thoughtful planning and meticulous construction of your custom millwork project, we bring it to reality onsite with the care it deserves. Some clients choose to bring us in to consult in the design phase to ensure that the final product is feasible and meets expectations. Your cabinet installers should understand how their work interacts with other trades, and communicate accordingly.

Our Values

Behind everything we do at 323 Woodwork, we strive to keep in mind the fact that we are working for the Lord Jesus Christ. Whether we are installing one cabinet, or the millwork for an entire estate, this truth helps us to remain consistent in our quality. We aim for professionalism in the protection of your property, the precision of our work, and in maintaining an efficient level of production. I love sharing our work and processes daily on my Instagram Stories, so follow along to see more of what we do!

Charles Kinard